Selected assignments
My work is focused on the non-profit sector. I am convinced that it has a decisive leverage effect. Many of my assignments build on my expertise as a systemic organisational developer as well as a campaign strategist.
My work is focused on the non-profit sector. I am convinced that it has a decisive leverage effect. Many of my assignments build on my expertise as a systemic organisational developer as well as a campaign strategist.
Greenpeace in Europe
to develop a 3-year strategic plan for the European Greenpeace Programme.
Read moredesign and facilitation of a participatory, integrated planning processes involving Greenpeace offices in Europe as well as European governance bodies:
Europe Beyond Coal
development of a multi-year strategic campaign framework to transition the European power sector to renewable energy by 2035 and to phase out fossil gas by 2035 in a European non-profit network.
Read moreconceptualisation and co-creative elaboration of a participatory, integrated campaign and organisational development process. Design and facilitation of related interventions:
Four Paws International
strengthening the global integration, effectiveness and identity of Four Paws campaigns.
Read moredesign, development and delivery of a participatory, integrated organisational development process:
CEE Bankwatch Network
Development of a five-year strategic programme plan that frames the work of the European network of nonprofit organisations and is ‘owned’ by the member organisations.
Read moreadvising on and designing the strategic planning process and facilitating workshops and events as part of the process:
Amnesty International, International Secretariat
the organisation conducts human rights education programmes worldwide. The introduction of a common quality assurance standard is intended to ensure that these programmes have the desired effect. Part of the project was the establishment of a mutually supportive community of human rights education staff members in the application of the standards. An important goal of the process was to ensure that the standards are supported and implemented in the organization’s offices worldwide.
Read morePlanning and implementing a participatory process to introduce the quality assurance standards in the global human rights education of the organization. Development of the strategy and project plan. Planning and facilitating various international online workshops in groups of 10 to 60 people.
Greenpeace in Europe
in the context of its European Collaboration the organisation has set itself the goal of putting nature back at the centre of its work. This experiential course creates a framework for addressing what this might mean for individuals and the organisation and how it might manifest.
Read morepreparation, design, development and implementation of the course:
Europe Beyond Coal
realisation of a one-week meeting of the European network with up to 120 participants which was realized online due to the pandemic.
Read moreconsultancy, planning and facilitation of the meeting:
SDG-Watch Austria. SDG Watch Austria is an association of more than 170 civil society and non-profit organisations that are jointly committed to an ambitious implementation of the Agenda 2030 in Austria.
Implementation of the annual forum of member organisations and guests of SDG-Watch Austria with 160 participants, with lectures, panel and panel discussion.
Read moreFacilitation of key notes speeches, panel and panel discussions during the plenary of the event.
Greenpeace in Europe
To strengthen the skills and experience of staff at Greenpeace offices throughout Europe for the joint successful implementation of pan-European campaign projects.
Read moreProject leadership and co-creative development of learning architecture, consisting of four learning strands:
This also includes development of content and design of the digital and ‘in person’ learning modules and workshops, and acting as trainer and facilitator of the learning units.
Ökobüro, Alliance of the Austrian Environmental Movement
To support the optimal kick-off of a three-year campaign project, aimed at anchoring the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ in Austrian political discourse
Read moreIn dialogue with the client, I explored the status quo and their needs, in relation to the campaign plan and team collaboration. I designed a development architecture for the start-up phase of the project, and set up and executed two workshops: one on campaign planning and one to examine: ‘Are we ready for the project’.